Travel Insurance: Don't let the unexpected cut your trip short
Provincial health plans provide limited coverage for out-of-province and out-of-country emergency medical expenses. Whether you’re a snowbird or simply taking a vacation, we can help if you’re having difficulty getting insurance because of age, health problems or pre-existing conditions.
Medical (Health and Dental)
Medical Health and Dental insurance offers financial protection of up to $5 million for unforeseen medical emergencies for visitors to, and travellers from, Canada.
Super Visa
Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents can obtain a Super Visa that is valid for up to 10 years, letting the applicant stay in Canada for up to 24 months at a time. Super Visa Medical insurance is required during the stay for protection against any unforeseen medical emergencies.
Trip Cancellation
Sometimes a long-awaited trip has to be cancelled before it even starts because of an unexpected illness, injury or event. With Trip Cancellation insurance, you can recoup the cost of your prepaid travel arrangements.
Trip Interruption
For the same reasons that you may have to unexpectedly cancel a trip before it begins, sometimes a trip needs to be cut short. Trip Interruption insurance offers financial protection to recoup some of the remaining costs.
Baggage Loss
Baggage Loss insurance offers financial protection for the loss, damage, destruction or theft of your personal effects while in transit or while in any hotel or other building.